M Group’s recent visit to the home and art studio of BB LaMartina was everything a field trip should be and more! As a renowned abstract expressionist (and former Baltimore City public school teacher) her work has been featured in Southern Living, Architectural Digest, Elle Decor, and more). The students were mesmerized as she delivered her Artist’s Talk and demonstrated her techniques, and they could not wait to begin their own masterpieces.
The students created individual paintings with BB’s guidance and then used them like a stamp on a larger canvas to create a collaborative piece. BB focused on how to set, visualize, and obtain a goal, as well as learn from your mistakes. As they freely squirted colors, created patterns with a pallet knife, and debated the best composition, you could tell they all were thoroughly enjoying the artistic process!
The other three multisensory workshops were a hit as well. They included scratch art with teacher Sean Tonkin, reading and writing in the “secret” garden, and Sketchnote (rich visual notes created from a mix of handwriting, drawings, hand-lettering, shapes, and visual elements) with a parent volunteer, Nicole. Everything about the day was designed to be engaging and fun – even the schedule! Check out Nicole’s adorable illustration to help the kids understand the agenda.
The morning was nothing short of magical. Thank you to everyone who was involved in making this opportunity a reality for our students.